4.27.7 Release
- Toc bump for the options module.
4.27.6 Release
4.27.5 Release
- Increased max Chi slider to 6.
- Model updates.
- Some other smaller fixes.
- Localization updates.
4.27.4 Release
- Converted every sound back to "mp3".
- Increased "Shadow Orb" max value to 5.
- Animations with alpha changes should properly obey base opacity changes instantly.
- Enabled new options for "Health" and "Mana" triggers.
- Some instance type releated fixes.
4.27.3 Release
- Fixed the aura's preview icon.
- Model updates.
- Some other minor fixes.
4.27.2 Release
- Warlock GCD fix.
- Combom points should work without target.
4.27.1 Release
- Converted sounds back to ogg vorbis. (Vorbis 2.0, 320kbps, 48kHz, CBR)
- Vehicle tri-state checkbutton fix.
- Fixed some issues with custom sounds.
- Some other smaller fixes.
4.27.0 Release
- Updated for 6.0.2.
- Tri-state checkbutton fixes.
- GDC updates.
- Some other fixes.
4.26.3 Release
- Fixed an issue with melee offhand damage calculations.
- Some other smaller changes.
4.26.2 Release
- Fixed an issue which sometimes allowed the esc key close the configuration frame, when it should not.
- Added two new sound: "Health Low", "Mana Low".
- Model updates.
- Some other minor fixes.
4.26.1 Release
- Fixed a leftover issue with custom textures.
- Some other minor fixes.
4.26.0 Release
- Fixed an issue which didn't let the addon properly load custom textures from subfolders.
- Fixed an issue with stack handling with "Spell Cooldown" and "Action Usable" aura types.
- Added 4 way scaling for options frames.
- Some other smaller fixes.
4.26.0 Alpha 2
- Git cleanup.
- Git push to save changes.
4.26.0 Alpha 1
- Added Alpha changelog.
- Some localization fixes.
4.25.9 Release
4.25.9 Alpha 1
- Fixed an issue which caused inverted aura types starting sound not to be played more then once.
4.25.8 Release
- Closing the "Effect Editor" with the (X) button, will properly going to close the opened "Color Picker" and "Font Selector" frame too.
- Some changes with the random color handling.
4.25.8 Alpha 2
- Minor "Aura Browser" instantly hidden fix.
4.25.8 Alpha 1
- Major global slider optimisations.
- Opening the "Aura Browser" from the Interface/Addons panel won't cause the "Aura Browser" to be closed immediately, when you leave the Interface/Addons panel by any way. (Should have done that ages ago...)
- Double tapping "esc" or "enter" leaves the unlocked aura's frame. (Opens game menu/chat editbox.)
- Fixed an issue which caused start sounds played multiple times on cross-realm phasing zone changes.
- Fixed a naming and tooltip issue with the timer invert auras slider, when changing aura types.
- A lot of other minor fixes.
4.25.7 Release
- Fixed an issue with "Own Texure" aura type icons.
- Fixed an issue with "Own Texure" aura type texture slider.
- Some localization updates.
- Some other minor fixes.
4.25.7 Alpha 1
4.25.6 Release
- Added a missing even for spell cooldowns, which will update it's icon on talent swaps immediately.
- Fixed a lua error when switching between some specific aura triggers.
- Added "/pa playertalents" to list the player's talents and it's spell ids.
- Added "/pa pettalents" to list the player's pet's talents and it's spell ids.
4.25.5 Release
- Spell updates.
- "Buff Name" editbox now accepts up to 1024 charater long strings.
- Added text wrap function to long tooltips.
4.25.5 Alpha 1
4.25.4 Release
- Auto disabling stacks for non-stacable spells for Action Usable and Spell Cooldown type auras.
- Some other minor fixes.
4.25.3 Release
- Fixed an issue which constantly caused timeouts for exporting auras with other players.
- Some other fixes with exporting/importing auras.
- Smaller performance upgradements.
- Fixed some lua errors with debug mode enabled.
- Some other minor fixes.
4.25.2 Release
- Fixed an issue which broke "Spell Cooldown" type auras.
4.25.1 Release
- Added support for stackable spells for "Action Usable" and "Spell Cooldown" triggers.
- "Spell Cooldown" triggers now going to ignore global cooldown for stackable spells.
- The "Custom Texture" and "Custom Model" editbox, is now going to accept and convert more type of file paths.
- Fixed an issue with the "Test" button's proper functionality on other then the first character tab.
- Succesfully moving an aura now will select the next aura in line if possible.
- Fixed some issues with models.
- Smaller change in slash command handling.
- Some other smaller fixes.
4.25.0 Release
- Fixed a major issue which broke display id type model's proper functionalities.
4.24.9 Release
4.24.9 Alpha 4
- Added "Disable Frame Scaling" check button for the addon's Blizzard interface panel.
- The main option and a effect editor are now rescaleable. (Left click to scale, right click to reset, middle click to lock the scale.)
4.24.9 Alpha 3
- Switching to toerh auras now properly going to close the equipments slots frame.
- Creating a new auras now properly going to close the equipments slots and font selector frame.
- Added sounds for multiple elements in the main options, clicking global and charater tabs, clicking on aura icons.
- Fixed an issue with the "Test" buttons opacity change.
- Some localization updates.
4.24.9 Alpha 2
- Added easter eggs!
- Stacks frame now wont crash, with minus values.
- Reseting frame positions now properly going to close the font selector.
- Equipment slot fixes.
- Merged PowerOptionsEquipmentSlots.xml, into the main options.
- Removed PowerOptionsEquipmentSlots.xml.
- Some XML fixes.
- Some other smaller fixes.
4.24.9 Alpha 1
- Rescaleable frames code start.
4.24.8 Release
4.24.7 Alpha 8
- Fixed the broken "Level" slider on the animation tab.
- Fixed the broken "Sublevel" slider on the animation tab.
- Fixed the broken "Secondary Blend Mode" dropdown.
- Fixed the broken "Secondary Texture's Strata" dropdown.
- Waterdrop animation fix.
4.24.7 Alpha 7
- "Purgealbe Spell" tooltip check options is gonna work properly.
- "Stealable" tooltip check options is gonna work properly.
4.24.7 Alpha 6
4.24.7 Alpha 5
- Fixed an issue with "Stealable Spell" auras.
- Global fixes.
4.24.7 Alpha 4
- Fixed an issue with secondary aura's random color.
- Desaturation fix.
4.24.7 Alpha 3
- Fixed the broken "Animation Speed" slider.
4.24.7 Alpha 2
4.24.7 Alpha 1
- Fixed an issues with "Action Usable" trigger.
- Model's animation slider max value is 802 now.
- Removed some models with missing textures.
- Fixed an issues with "Action Usable" trigger.
- Removed some models with missing textures.
- Added conversion tool for uppercase strata, texture strata and blend modes.
- Fixed a bug which randomly redisplayed timed auras on zone/subzone changes.
4.24.5 Alpha 7
- Fixed excessive cpu usage while opening the "Effect Editor".
- The default "Stance/Seal/Form" is now Humanoid.
- The Texture Silder's name is going to be "Model" when models are checked.
- "Buff Type" and "Debuff Type" triggers now handled by spell ids, means it can detect multiple spells with the same name.
- Updated every classes CC/Disarm/Root/Snare/Stun/Silence spells for 5.4.2.
- "Spell Cooldown" are properly going to work with pet spells again.
- "Pet Cooldown" type tooltip fix.
- Some dropdown changes and tweaks.
- Fixed a dropdown taint which prevented to join battleground queues.
- Updated every classes CC/Disarm/Root/Snare/Stun/Silence spells for 5.4.2.
4.24.5 Alpha 6
- Fixed a random color issues with "Test All" button.
4.24.5 Alpha 5
- "Buff"/"Debuff"/"Spell Cooldown" auras now properly going to recognize spell ids like: "[1234]", "Buff/1234/[12345]".
- Spell updates for every class. (Warlock, Warrior yet.)
- Fixed a bug which caused excessive CPU usage when right clicking on aruas.
- Fixed an issues with "Character-" and "Global effects" list button's hitboxes.
- Other smaller perfomance upgradements.
- Removed "Donate" button.
4.24.5 Alpha 4
- Spell cooldown fixes.
- Aura switch fixes, and performance upgradements.
- Some other smaller fixes.
4.24.5 Alpha 3
- Added ~5000 new models.
- Completely rewamped the model auras.
- Added Model Category and Model Texture dropdown.
- From now the addon is going to remember which model have you choosen, and properly going to load that model even when new models have been added or deleted from the model category's table.
- Support to properly display multi texture creature type models.
- Moving models will update the position x, position y, model x, model y, model z sliders in real time.
- Moving textures will update the position x, position y, sliders in real time.
- Fixed a bug which broke "Invert Aura Timer" slider's functionality on the "Timer" tab.
- Fixed a major bug which caused auras to stuck when you changed the buff's/debuff's name for the aura, while you still had the last buff/debuff.
- Fixed a bug which didn't properly updated aura's random color, when you used the "Gradient Style" dropdown.
4.24.5 Alpha 2
- Every creature type model camera position can be fully customized, when you unlock the aura and right click on the model itself.
- Recuded memory usage of handling some of the GUI elements by 95-99%.
- Added an option to show emberbits for warlocks when you enable stacks for "Rage/Energy/Power"/"Burning Embers" power type auras.
- Upvalue changes.
4.24.5 Alpha 1
- Fixed a major bug which caused multiple "Health"/"Mana"/"Rage/Energy/Power" type auras threshold slider's value to override themselfs.
- Fixed a bug which caused custom model's edixbox override some GUI elements on some aura types.
- Fixed an issue with Timer/Stack color picker.
- Fixed a glitch with "Stacks" "Animate of Refresh" animation.
- Lot of other minor fixes.
4.24.4 Release
- Fixed a bug which caused part of the spell names not to be found in the actual spell.
- Fixed a bug which caused auras to stuck in test mode sometimes.
- Fixed a bug which caused high memory/cpu usage and a smaller lagspike when you right clicked on auras.
- Some other minor fixes.
4.24.3 Release
- Fixed a bug which caused linked auras to not to work properly.
- Other minor fixes.
4.24.2 Release
- Fixed a bug which caused "Spell Cooldowns" not to update properly
- Added new support for GTFO global triggers. (Should work when GTFO gets updated.)
- GTFO dropdown icon update fix.
- Added "Donate" button.
- Artwork set update.
- Localizations update.
- Some other minor fixes.
4.24.1 Release
- Readded debug messages.
- Code cleanup.
4.24.1 Alpha 9
- Reduced the addon's dinamic memory usage by aprox 95% mostly for "Buff" aura types. Yes, i did it again.
- The core code of the addon is now working with local environment namespaces. (Speed things a bit up.)
- Dump function is back again. (Works in development versions only.)
- Added "/pa update" slash command to update old auras to the current version.
- Scanning learned/unlearned spells will be faster.
- Some GUI changes in the "Animations" tab.
- Added blend mode dropdown for secondary animations.
- Added frame strata dropdown for secondary animations.
- Added texture strata dropdown for secondary animations.
- Added texture strata level slider for secondary animations.
- Added texture strata sublevel slider for secondary animations.
- A lot of other fixes.
4.24.1 Alpha 8
- Fixed some leaking globals.
- Move/Copy/Delete effect now going to reset the group size to 1.
- When you delete the last aura from the current page, the addon automatially selects the last aura again.
- Fixed a bug when updating the addon from 4.23.x versions.
- Fixed a bug with Preview coloring.
4.24.1 Alpha 7
- Fixed a bug which broke main and secondary animation dropdown's functionality.
4.24.1 Alpha 6
- Fixed a bug with "Spell Cooldowns" when the spell's name didn't had exactly the same name as in the spell book, lower/upper-case wise.
- Deleting an aura while the color picker frame is open now properly going to close the color picker frame.
- The addon is now going to notify the user about the "Power Auras Options" beeing disabled, when the user is trying to acces any slash commands while "Power Auras Options" addon is disabled.
- Some performance upgradements.
- Other minor fixes.
4.24.1 Alpha 5
- Fixed a bug with "Rage/Energy/Power" stacks when the threshold slider is in percentages.
- Threshold slider bugfixes.
4.24.1 Alpha 4
- Added a missing event for rogue's energy and warrior's rage replenishment, which caused some "Rage/Energy/Power" auras working incorrectly.
- Fixed a lot of tooltip issues.
- Using the "Power Type" dropdown in the "Rage/Energy/Power" activation now properly going to update the aura's icon in main options too.
- Fixed a broken "Bounce" begin animation.
- Selecting a begin animation is now properly going to play that animation.
- Demonic Fury stack fixes.
- Some other minor fixes, as always.
4.24.1 Alpha 3
- Fixed a bug in "Spell Cooldown" when the spell is an spellid.
4.24.1 Alpha 2
- Added "Spell Learned" check button for "Spell Cooldown".
- Other minor fixes.
4.24.1 Alpha 1
- Fixed some animation trasition glitches, like from fade out to static or flashing.
- Fixed a lua error for "Combo Points".
- Fixed a lua error for the color picker.
- Updated incorrect version for PowerAurasOptions.
- Added 45 new predefined models.
- Some version check updates.
- Added seperate Flexible Instance checkbutton.
- Fixed a bug with the Threshold siler's editbox at the Rage/Energy/Power activation.
- "Cooldown only" option is now disable for "Spell Cooldowns".
- Added more patterns for the textaura: (%lowMdmg, %highMdmg, %avgMdmg,%lowRdmg, %highRdmg, %avgRdmg).
- Some group updates.
- Some tooltip updates.
- Some localization fixes/changes.
- !Changelog.txt typo fixes.
- Some other smaller fixes.
4.24.0 Release
- Workaround for 5.4 Blizzard slider bug. (Sliders are still laggy untill blizz fixes this shit.)
- Fixed a bug with Inspectation.
- Some other minor fixes.
- Code cleanup.
4.23.30 Alpha 46
- Fixed a bug which caused some sliders to not to work correctly.
4.23.30 Alpha 45
- Adde Flexible raids for "10 Man Normal" instance button.
- Some other GUI fixes.
4.23.30 Alpha 44
4.23.30 Alpha 43
- Fixed a typo which caused lua error with stacks.
4.23.30 Alpha 42
4.23.30 Alpha 41
4.23.30 Alpha 40
- Added "In Pet Battle" tri-state checker.
4.23.30 Alpha 39
- Fixed old begin grow/shrink animations grow/shrink size on smaller auras.
- Added "%crt" pattern for text auras to print the character's crit percentage.
- Other smaller fixes.
4.23.30 Alpha 38
- Fixed a mousewheel bug on sliders in Blizzard options.
4.23.30 Alpha 37
4.23.30 Alpha 36
- Test All preview texture coloring bug when the current aura's random color is enabled.
- Added .blp support for textures in the "TimerTextures" folder.
- Fixed some font texture bugs for timers/stacks. (Need some more tuning.)
- "Wider Digits" option for stacks from now is disabled by default.
- Fixed a bug when stacks's texture got stuck when inverted an aura with stacks enabled.
- Fixed a bug where timers/stacks wouldn't shown as soon as you enabled them in test mode, only on the next update.
- Fixed a bug where you couldn't set stacks texture relatively to the aura's left side.
- Fixed a bug which didn't updated disabled aura's preview color when used the "Test All" button.
- Other minor changes.
- Code cleanup.
4.23.30 Alpha 35
- Fixed a lua bug when "PowaAurasOptions" is not loaded, and the saved auras have timers/stacks.
4.23.30 Alpha 34
- Power treshold slider fixes.
- Demonic Fury's slider tresholds in now in percentage.
- Some code cleanup.
4.23.30 Alpha 23
- Readded mask textures and sounds.
4.23.30 Alpha 22
4.23.30 Alpha 21
4.23.30 Alpha 20
4.23.30 Alpha 19
- Ignored "!CheckTranslates.pl" for Curseforge git.
- Removed some custom files.
4.23.30 Alpha 18
- Curseforge git repo preparations.
4.23.30 Alpha 17
- Converted changelog to Creole.
4.23.30 Alpha 16
4.23.30 Alpha 15
4.23.30 Alpha 14
4.23.30 Alpha 13
- Fixed an import/export bug.
- Code cleanup.
4.23.30 Alpha 12
- "Text Aura" fixes and tweaks for auras with % patterns. (Still needs more tweaks.)
4.23.30 Alpha 11
- Added increase and decrease value buttons for every slider.
- "Font Selector" frame fixes.
- Fixed a frame hide bug when you deleted an aura with "Font Selector" opened.
- Thousands of other GUI changes.
- Updated localizations.
- XML cleanup.
4.23.30 Alpha 10
- Added .blp support for textures in the "Aura" folder.
4.23.30 Alpha 9
- Added alt+left- and right mouse button for handling group size.
4.23.30 Alpha 8
4.23.30 Alpha 7
4.23.30 Alpha 6
- Fixed a bug where timers sometimes got stucked when the aura disappered.
- Hopefully fixed a bug where auras with timers sometimes randomly disappered in test mode.
- Some code cleanup to make it run smoother.
4.23.30 Alpha 5
- Added Group Size.
- Group Size can be adjusted with mousewheel up/down, on the Aura's icon.
- Event fix for druids.
- Changelog update.
- XML cleanup.
4.23.30 Alpha 4
- Reduced CPU usage by aprox 75%. Yes i'm that good.
- Split GUI options into another addon, to optionally save some CPU and memory usage.
- Added localization parser script. (Made by: Mitch)
- Added groups. (Very alpha yet.)
- Changed "Stance/Seal/Form" dropdown to handle multiple selections. (Dropdown need update still.)
- Added glow effect for character and global pages when you recieve an aura.
- Fixed the layer of the glow effect itself.
- Fixed a preview texture coloring bug with the "Test All" button.
- Fixed a bug with aura icons. (Gradient colored "Test All" still needs a fix.)
- "Mounted" option from now is ignored by default.
- "In Vehice" option from now is ignored by default.
- "Any Member" option from now is ignored by default.
- Localization fixes.
4.23.30 Alpha 3
- German localization updates.
4.23.30 Alpha 2
- Fixed an excessive CPU and memory usage when picking colors for models.
- Changing color of a model won't redisplay the model itself.
- Changing the value of the "Gradient Style" dropdown, won't redisplay models.
- Changing the value of the "Random Color" checkbutton, won't redisplay models.
- Changing the value of the "Desaturate" checkbutton, won't redisplay models.
- Fixed a coloring bug with model's and custom model's icon.
- Fixed a bug with aura icons.
4.23.30 Alpha 1
- Fixed a GUI override bug with the "Unit Name" checkbutton.
- Fixed a bug with the "Rotation" slider's editbox.
- Fixed a bug with the "Animation Speed" slider's editobx.
- Other smaller GUI changes.
- Other minor fixes.
4.23.29 Release
- Fixed a bug with "Text Aura Size" slider.
4.23.28 Release
- Fixed a bug with the "Animation Speed" slider.
- Other slider tweaks.
- Some other smaller fixes.
4.23.27 Release
4.23.26 Release
- Fixed a bug which caused lag spikes, while you hold down your mouse button over an unlocked aura, and moved the frame with the left, right, down, up keys.
- Changed "Invert Aura Timer", "Animation Duration" and "Timer Duration" slider's values step to 0.01.
4.23.26 Alpha 12
- Added Scenario instance check button.
- Added Heroic Scenario instance check button.
- Fixed a bug which broke 5-Man instance check button's functionality.
4.23.26 Alpha 11
- Druid Flight form fixes.
- Added Challange Mode instance check button.
- Fixed a bug with Equipment Slots.
- Addon now going to recheck instance type when the leader changes difficulty of an instance.
- Updated Scenarios and Heroic Scenarios instanceType, and instanceDifficulty ids.
- Tooltip fixes.
- Some other smaller fixes.
4.23.26 Alpha 10
4.23.26 Alpha 9
- Fixed a bug which caused models to change position sometimes when you loaded the addon, or changed aura type.
- The addon will no longer play custom sounds when you click on an arua.
- Sounds will be played when you test or hide and aura, and sound is assigned for that aura.
- Sounds wont be played when you click on the "Test All" button to prevent spam.
4.23.26 Alpha 8
- Added support for older WoW versions.
4.23.26 Alpha 7
- Fixed a bug which caused the "Model Z" slider to broke off from it's frame.
4.23.26 Alpha 6
- Fixed a bug when addon draw multiple models for the same aura.
- Added new custom sounds.
- Added Sets folder.
4.23.26 Alpha 5
- Fixed a slider editbox bug.
4.23.26 Alpha 4
- Fixed a bug which caused models to disappear when changed aura type.
4.23.26 Alpha 3
- Size slider now has unlimited maximum value.
- Size slider changes.
- Added new Custom textures.
4.23.26 Alpha 2
4.23.26 Alpha 1
- Now you can use mousewheel up/down on the slider's editbox too, to increase and decrease the slider's value by the value step.
- Fixed a bug with the "Opacity" slider.
4.23.25 Release
- Fixed some dropdown menu taint issues.
4.23.25 Alpha 3
4.23.25 Alpha 2
4.23.25 Alpha 1
- Fixed incorrect version number in toc.
- Fixed a global.
- Some other combatlog and event fixes.
4.23.24 Release
- Fixed Model X, Y, Z slider bugs.
- Custom Models now accept any units. (player, target, focus, party1-5, raid1-25, boss1-3)
4.23.23 Release
- Added 30 more 3D models.
- Localization updates.
- Minor tweaks.
4.23.23 Alpha 17
- Added an option to use custom 3D models.
- Sliders now won't redisplay the aura when they reach their minimum/maximum values.
4.23.23 Alpha 16
- Updated for 5.3.
- Tons of changes/fixes.
- Code cleanup.
4.23.23 Alpha 15
4.23.23 Alpha 14
- Fixed a bug with the blizzard sliders.
- Fixed a bug with animation slider.
- Code cleanup.
4.23.23 Alpha 13
- Fixed a glitch with "Aura138.tga".
- Fixed a bug where secondary animations didn't followed the currently picked animation number from the animation slider, and the x, y, z positons from the model x, y, z slider.
- Some other minor fixes.
4.23.23 Alpha 12
- Slider tweaks.
- Added Saturation check button, to decolorize textures.
- Hopefully fixed a DK talent change bug, when presences are beeing switched.
- Disabled the bugged "Text Auras" secondary animations.
- Fixed a bug which didnt allowed "Text Auras" random color working properly.
- Fixed a bug with the secondary aura coloring.
- Fixed a bug with the "Text Aura" editbox.
- Clicking on "Models" check button, will no longer automatically enable "Old Animations" check button.
- Some localization adds/fixes/updates.
4.23.23 Alpha 11
- Lots of editbox and slider tweaks.
4.23.23 Alpha 10
- Added an editbox for all sliders.
- Fixed a bug with "Timer Update Speed" Slider.
- Other minor changes.
4.23.23 Alpha 9
- Added info and logo to lua.
- Fixed a major bug with import auras.
- Fixed a bug with "Alternative Exports" check button.
- Some other minor bugfix.
4.23.23 Alpha 8
4.23.23 Alpha 7
4.23.23 Alpha 6
- Added ~20 more 3D models.
4.23.23 Alpha 5
- Added ~100 more 3D models.
- Added animation sequence slider for 3D models.
- Fixed a bug with icon highlight beeing displayed when you open the options tab with 0 auras.
- Fixed French localization.
- Some other localization fixes.
- Some database tweaks.
4.23.23 Alpha 4
- Fixed a bug where secondary animation isn't showed up, afterwards it got disabled on 3D models.
- Fixed a bug where secondary animation isn't showed up, afterwards an aura with the same 3D model got deleted before.
4.23.23 Alpha 3
4.23.23 Alpha 2
- Added X, Y, Z postiton sliders for models.
- Some GUI fixes.
4.23.23 Alpha 1
- Added ingame 3D model support, yet only added 2 test model.
4.23.22 Release
- Fixed a leaked global from 4.23.21.
4.23.21 Release
- Fixed a bug which caused "Spell Cooldowns" not working properly.
- FIxed a bug with "Action Useable" where it didn't updated the aura properly, when you moved the spell into another action bar slot.
4.23.20 Release
- Tagging as release.
- Fixed a bug with own texture button.
4.23.20 Alpha 40
4.23.20 Alpha 39
4.23.20 Alpha 38
- Timer tab tweaks.
- Minor fixes.
4.23.20 Alpha 37
4.23.20 Alpha 36
4.23.20 Alpha 35
4.23.20 Alpha 34
- Added an option to round icon edges.
4.23.20 Alpha 33
- Text aura bugfixes.
- Mousewheel fixes.
4.23.20 Alpha 32
4.23.20 Alpha 31
- Rotation fixes.
- Activation tab tweaks.
- Some localization changes.
- Text color fixes.
4.23.20 Alpha 30
4.23.20 Alpha 29
- Icon update and icon alpha bugfix.
4.23.20 Alpha 28
- Fixed a missing variable lua error.
4.23.20 Alpha 27
- Smaller random color fix.
4.23.20 Alpha 26
- Some slider fixes.
- Added localizations.
4.23.20 Alpha 25
- Removed glow check button.
- Removed enable gradient check button.
- Added "None" option for gradient stlye dropdown.
- Random color fixes.
- GUI tweaks.
4.23.20 Alpha 24
- Added blend mode dropdown.
4.23.20 Alpha 23
- Added an option to set up gradient color for auras.
4.23.20 Alpha 22
- Clicking on the Edit button, now gonna increase the aura's icon alpha properly.
- Some more code cleanups.
4.23.20 Alpha 21
- Added a new font.
- Fixed an export/import bug.
- RLE compressed timer textures.
4.23.20 Alpha 20
4.23.20 Alpha 19
- Fixed a major bug, while moving auras with the mouse.
- Reversed mousewheel up/down functionality again.
- Fixed a bug where auras randomly disappered while on timer/stack tab.
4.23.20 Alpha 18
- Recoded all images with RLE loseless compression.
- Memory improvements.
4.23.20 Alpha 17
- Some texture fix.
- Move sliders have increased x, y min-max value size.
- Lock/Unlock button's funcionality is removed, due a major bug. This meas you cant move the auras with the mouse.
4.23.20 Alpha 16
- Lot of changes, and bugfixes, see changelog.
4.23.20 Alpha 15
- Alpha slider text initalization fix.
- Fixed a bug with shrinking animation when it's applied on a secondary aura.
- Fixed a bug with growing animation when it's applied on a secondary aura.
- Fixed a bug with waterdrop animation when it's applied on a secondary aura.
- Added 2 new Custom texture.
- Some code cleanup, and preparations to accept any square textures properly.
4.23.20 Alpha 14
- Rotation fixes.
- Slider and checkbutton initalize fixes.
4.23.20 Alpha 13
- Reversed mousewheel rotation's direction.
- Added more textures from wow.
- Added "/pa" slash command.
4.23.20 Alpha 12
- Rotation fixes.
- Icon size and alpha bugfixes.
- Localization tweaks.
4.23.20 Alpha 11
- Performance upgradements.
- Fixed a bug with "Hide all" button.
- Code cleanup
4.23.20 Alpha 10
- Fixed a bug when you manually set max texture count.
- Fixed a bug with the button itself.
- Override max textures min-max value now is 1-1000.
- Tooltip fixes.
- Added "Texture Rotatable" checkbutton, which fixes some not fully rotatable custom textures, when disabled.
- The texure cutter algorythm is now more precise for ingame icons, and custom textures.
- Slider inherit changes, removed unused stuff.
- Some smaller slider fixes.
4.23.20 Alpha 9
4.23.20 Alpha 8
- Use own texture bugfix.
- Icon size fixes.
4.23.20 Alpha 7
- GUI updates.
- Code cleanup
- Custom aura bugfix.
4.23.20 Alpha 6
- GUI cleanup round two.
- Added texture rotater slider.
- Smaller fixes.
- Code cleanup.
4.23.20 Alpha 5
4.23.20 Alpha 4
4.23.20 Alpha 3
- Smaller GUI fixes.
- Tooltip fixes.
- Localization fixes.
4.23.20 Alpha 2
4.23.20 Alpha 1
4.23.19 Release
- Fixed a bug which didn't let the addon to use all the installed Textures (254).
- Fixed a bug with old end animations, where growing and shrinking got reversed.
- Increased old "Grow and Fade" and "Shrink and Fade" end animation's grow and shrink size and the speed of the animation, to fit with the new animations.
- When "Old Animation" checkbutton is enabled then the dropdown menus gonna hide thoose animations which the old animations can't handle.
- Fixed a bug with the "Show hundrendth" checkbutton on the "Timer" tab.
- Fixed some chatbox length bug on the "Activation" tab.
- Fixed "Use own Texture" checkbutton's location.
- Animation's dropdown menus are now wider.
- Fixed the "Power Type" dropdown menu's location.
4.23.18 Release
- Converted sounds to mp3.
- Added new sounds. ("Bloodbath", "Vengeance", "Warpath").
- Minor fixes.
4.23.17 Release
- Fixed level issues with the Option frames.
- Disabled aura icons alpha now can't be changed.
- Added Monk's "Fist of Justice" spell as a stun.
- Other smaller fixes.
4.23.16 Release
- Updated and fixed localizations.
- Other minor fixes.
4.23.15 Release
- Core cleanup, round three.
- Fixed a moving bug.
- Replaced bugged background from the options frame.
- Fixed some missing translations.
- Renamed sounds.
- Added new sounds.
- Added new textures.
- Renamed fonts.
- Some other minor fixes.
4.23.14 Release
- Added "Changelog.txt".
- Code cleanup, round two.
- Fixed "aggro.ogg" sound.
- Fixed missing clicking sound on some buttons.
- Menu layout tweaks.
- Option table border fixes.
- Added some missing button and string localizations.
- Removed "Ranged Slot" from Equipment Slots.
- Equipment Slot frame tweaks.
4.23.13 Release
- Total code cleanup.
- Merged localizations.
- Fixed bugged "Send" and "Cancel" buttons on "Export" and "Export Set" dialog.
4.23.12 Release
4.23.11 Release
4.23.10 Release
- Fixed Warlock Shards max power from 3 to 4.
- Fixed incorrect version numbering.
4.3.9 Release
- Fixed raid frame taint issues. (thanks to Resike)
4.3.8 Release
- Non-Fire Mage GCDs are properly ignored in auras.
4.3.7 Release
- Fixed Chi (Light Power) max power from 4 to 5.
4.3.6 Release
- Fixed totem aura update lag.
4.3.5 Release
- Warrior GCDs are properly ignored in auras, for reals this time.
4.3.4 Release
- Master of Ghouls is now properly detected.
- Paladin, Warrior, and Monk GCDs are properly ignored in auras.
4.3.3 Release
- Fixed glyph taint issues. (thanks to Resike)
- Fixed action usable so abilities that are charging up but still have active charges on them show up as usable.
4.3.2 Release
- Added support for special power tracking for Shadow Orbs, Burning Embers, Demonic Fury, and Chi.
4.3.1 Release
- Updated Paladin Holy Power from 3 to 5.
4.3 Release
- Updated the code to be compatible with MoP 5.0.4.